All In with the children of Rohingya!

40% of children are suffering from scabies

Rohingya children make up half of the one million Rohingya refugees who fled Myanmar from violent persecution. Almost 8 years later, they are still living in poor, unsanitary conditions, plagued by infectious diseases. Approximately 40% of these children are suffering from an uncontrolled outbreak of scabies.

Rohingya Emergency

Donate to provide for general healthcare and medical supplies for the Rohingya refugees.

Case Studies

Tayeba Begum, fled Myanmar in 2017 with her children

“After the killings began, we couldn’t stay in Myanmar any longer – the military were brutally murdering Rohingya and burning their houses.

When I fled with my babies, we crossed jungles and muddy roads in the soaking rain to get to Bangladesh. We ate whatever we could find to survive. Now, we live here in the refugee camps. It has been five years of living in distress. We depend on food assistance and worry about what to feed the children and if it’s enough. We worry about how to clothe them and how to educate them.  

I long for peace. If we can ever live peacefully again in Myanmar, we will return. How can we go back if our children could be taken away and murdered?”  

Anwar, 15 years old, fled violence in Myanmar

“My name is Anwar. I am a student from Myanmar. I remember when I ran away with my family. It was one afternoon, when the army attacked our neighbourhood. We survived but many relatives and neighbours were murdered. We travelled a long way to seek safety. I remember it was almost 12 days of running and walking before we reached Bangladesh.

When I came here my education was interrupted. I was a good student with high grades. I like learning, but now I can’t study or get the books I need. My dream was to become a doctor, to be useful to the community. I understand now that the dream might never come true. Still, I feel happy when I go to classes and meet my friends. We try to be happy while studying and playing. 

Our life in the camp is not easy. The incentive my father earns is not enough to support my family. And sometimes when I come back from school at night, I feel unsafe.  

I would like to address young people like me around the world. Please use the opportunity you have and learn as much as you can. My fellow Rohingya refugees and I do not have such an opportunity.”

How we work

We partner with world class charitable and humanitarian organisations, with proven track records of delivering child-centric programmes that make a significant impact to the lives of children in desperate need.  

Some of our appeals are restricted, with the aim to raise funds for specific items or projects. Other appeals support an unrestricted fund within a country of need or in global support of emergencies. The flexibility provided by unrestricted programmatic funds has huge benefits in creating resiliency in the ability of our partner organisations to respond to emergencies, conflicts and humanitarian catastrophes that affect children, wherever they may occur. 

We provide donors with quality feedback and regular updates on the impact of our work. 

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