Sign our open letter
calling for a permanent


Dear Rishi Sunak and Kier Starmer,

We are Child Relief, a children’s charity that’s 100% committed to children. We campaign for a better world for children affected by conflict. We stand in solidarity with the 1 million children in Gaza experiencing the horrors of war. 

Our ask is simple. We demand an immediate, definitive and permanent ceasefire. 

We do not like the terminology, ‘humanitarian pause’. We insist you put children first, before politics. 

We know that the children of Gaza have dreams, just like all children across the world. But since 7 October, more than 12,000 children in Gaza have been killed, with thousands more missing, presumed dead, buried under rubble. The rest are living in hunger and fear. Many children are left with no surviving family members. 

Nowhere is safe in Gaza. Nearly every child is suffering from starvation, at imminent risk of famine. Without a ceasefire, children can’t get the lifesaving treatment and nutritious food they desperately need. 

You are elected to represent the people in the UK. Over two thirds of the British population support a ceasefire*. How can you ignore and fail to act upon what most people stand for? 

Leaders often talk about the importance of human rights. So why are you not taking decisive action right now, when thousands of innocent children are being killed, maimed, or orphaned. That’s shocking and outrageous! 

How many more children must die before you take action? 

The siege of Gaza and denial of essential aid must end. The UK must protect these children and those on whom they depend. This includes halting the transfer of weapons, or parts for weapons, that can be used to commit violations of international humanitarian and human rights law. 

Stand with children, who are the innocent victims of this war, and call for a definitive and permanent ceasefire NOW. 

We must restore the hope of children in Gaza and around the world, that our leaders do care and will act. 

Yours sincerely, 



Support Child Relief to stand up for the rights of the children in Gaza. We need 250, 000 signatures so that we can confidently deliver this letter to Rishi Sunak and Kier Starmer, on behalf of all children and those who are desperate to stop the indiscriminate killing and suffering in Gaza. Please sign the letter now!

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